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charlotte-family-apologist · 6 months ago
Suchin's Backstory In My AU
Warning: Non-Graphic Addiction and Suicide
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Suchin was the only child of a civilian mother and a former criminal father. When she was eight, her mother died in a car accident, causing her father to fall into a depression and relapse into his gambling addiction, taking out several loans from his old employer in the Red Dragon to support it. He lost his job within the year and started drinking, leaving Suchin to take care of him more often than not. He also fell back into old paranoid habits and took to training Suchin in case they went after her first.
Struggling with money, Suchin got a job at a local restaurant at fourteen, where she flourished socially. She even got a boyfriend at seventeen. Due to her always being away from home, she failed to notice her father spiraling further until he raided her savings when she was eighteen. She started to take more hours to build them back up, neglecting her relationships to do so. Because of this, her boyfriend broke up with her.
At nineteen, she came home to find her dad committed suicide. Upon reading the note, she learned all the debts had come to a head, and the Red Dragon was pursuing payment. The trauma of it finally breaking the barrier in her mind to fully activate her “radar” (see notes for explanation) that had been on and off her entire childhood.
Inheriting her father’s debt, Suchin fled and became a traveling vigilante known as Blackbird on a personal mission to destroy the Red Dragon and return to civilian life. She quickly became a notorious figure in Asia’s underworld for her efficiency and only took paid jobs to support her survival.
She swore off personal relationships and dedicated her life to completing her goal, investigating any lead on the Red Dragon she found. One of these investigations led her to Japan, where she met Kenshi for the first time.
And nearly killed him.
Suchin’s radar is a danger sense ability she feels, not sees or hears. Despite it being a form of precognition, she can’t tell what is and isn’t a danger and has to identify them herself. She can’t turn it off and it works best when she’s calm and collected. The only time it doesn’t work is when she’s panicking, as it becomes hard to read and quickly overloads her senses and rational thoughts. It can also blank out when she doesn’t know how to process something, often freezing her in place. Because of it, she lives in a constant state of flight or fight and suffers from severe anxiety and paranoia, which is only made worse by her lifestyle.
Suchin’s father wasn’t physically abusive, only laying hands on her during training, even helping her patch any injuries before his addictions fully tanked his psyche. The majority of the trauma Suchin has from her father is from neglect, parentification, and the fallout of his suicide.
The timeline of these events are: 1957: Suchin is born 1965: Suchin’s mother dies in a car accident and her father relapses, taking out loans from the Red Dragon 1976: Suchin’s Father commits suicide, transferring his debt to Suchin (19); Suchin flees from the Red Dragon and eventually becomes Blackbird 1987: Kenshi (28) and Suchin (30) meet
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psydh · 6 years ago
                                Populations “agressées” par des gendarmes et policiers…
Les populations d’OURO-DOLLE dans l’Arrondissement de KOLOFATA, sont en colère. En effet, gendarmes et policiers en poste à AMCHIDE ont procédé autour de 10h30  ce jour, à une fouille systématique des maisons ayant pour but, à ce qui est apparu plus tard, de soustraire de ces chaumières, le bois de chauffage. C’est ainsi qu’au moment où nous rendons publique l’information, ce bois est stocké dans le périmètre de la brigade territoriale de Gendarmerie d’AMCHIDE et sous surveillance des gendarmes.
Interrogé sur l’ordonnance ayant motivé cette opération, un gendarme s’est plu à dire qu’ils agissent sur « ordre du Préfet du Mayo-Sava » et pour quel intérêt ? Le gendarme est resté évasif au moment où, l’un des policiers essayait en langue fufuldé de faire comprendre à une des victimes de cette opération que ce bois a été coupé en violation de la loi relative à la protection de  l’environnement. Argument battu en brèche par une dame, elle aussi  victime qui dira au policier que « Ce sont les  BIR (ndlr : Corps d’Élite de l’Infanterie)  qui nous ont conseillés de nettoyer la route et d’emporter le bois ». Sorte de récompense pour un travail abattu, dirait-on ! En d’autres termes, il n’y a pas pour ces victimes, une infraction quelconque. Par ailleurs,  un cultivateur dans le même rang, ne s’est pas empêché de dire  dans un élan revanchard et sous la barbe d’un gendarme  moralement désarmé  que   « Cette saisie ne devrait se faire un dimanche, si cela était la décision du préfet (…)  Vous (gendarmes et policiers) êtes  des voleurs qui voulez ravitailler vos magasins de Mora avec notre bois (…) »  Au-delà de ce spectacle hideux, l’heure vient où nous nous demandons ce que devient notre dispositif sécuritaire. Voici trois mois que nous ergotons sur l’insécurité qui s’installe progressivement sur notre territoire. Nous avons fustigé l’apparent abandon des populations d’Amchidé face aux attaques de Boko Haram qui de plus en plus opèrent en journée, tuent à ciel ouvert, sans le moins être inquiété. Ce matin, au moment gendarmes et policiers servaient leur tasse  amère aux mêmes populations, Boko Haram était en train d’agresser un de leurs fils sur une distance d’au  plus dix minutes de route.
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Blama  Modou
Comment  vous vous appelez  et que faites-vous dans la vie?
Blama Modou, je suis vendeur de Kola.
Qu’est-ce qui s’est passé ?
Du retour du marché de kolofata  ce dimanche où j’ai tout vendu mes produits, j’ai croisé sur l’axe cinq  personnes qui seraient des Boko Haram. Trois portaient chacun une arme. Ils m’ont donc arrêté et ont confisqué tout ce que j’avais sur moi. Soit  78.000 Nairas ( 134.480F)  et 20 mille francs CFA.
Cela se passe autour de quelle heure ?
Vers 10h
Quel était votre moyen de déplacement ?
J’allais à moto. Mais je vais vous dire, après m’avoir arraché l’argent, ils ont vidé mon réservoir et m’ont demandé de libérer les lieux. C’est ainsi que j’ai poussé la moto jusqu’à ma destination à Amchidé.
        Cameroun/Extrême-Nord/Mayo-Sava :Lorsque Gendarmes, Policiers se confondent à Boko Haram et frappent à Ouro-Dollé                                 Populations "agressées" par des gendarmes et policiers... Les populations d’OURO-DOLLE dans l’Arrondissement de KOLOFATA, sont en colère.
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I feel like I should say my au is an og/alt timeline au I just kept Kenshi's yakuza backstory bc I like it and it fleshes out the Red Dragon some
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Friendly reminder my ask box is always open!
Feel free to send me anything! AUs, fanfic, prompts, questions, opinions, art related stuff (tutorials, brushes, etc…) whatever you want to send! I like to talk!
Requests are currently closed, I’ll make a post when they’re open.
I’m open to art trades and collabs with mutuals! (Please ask me I’d love to)
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charlotte-family-apologist · 4 months ago
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Sketchbook doodles aka me trying to design skins for my loves
Y’all should go listen to Hey Pretty by Poe it’s very them
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charlotte-family-apologist · 3 months ago
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Finished the page! The family’s all here :)
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charlotte-family-apologist · 6 months ago
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My sketchbook only has the most serious art pieces
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charlotte-family-apologist · 6 months ago
Ah thank you for responding! I do associate the green energy with soul magic (it's hard not to), but I struggled to attach that concept to Johnny. Your explanation for it is very good!
I don't think Jade's purple energy is soul magic, but shadow magic, as Noob's is also seen as purple. Her using two different types of magic would show how dedicated and trained she is as a fighter, as other characters are usually shown only using one.
For Kenshi...
The only difference I can see that makes Kenshi's soul magic different from the others is that the souls aren't connected to Kenshi himself. All souls Kenshi has are inside Sento, yes, Kenshi can call on them, and they give him powers, but they're not connected to Kenshi as a person the way Johnny's ancestors are.
My assumption would be that souls appear differently when attached to items.
AU territory now:
Souls are split into two categories: anchored souls (a soul attached to a living being (including plants and animals)) and unanchored souls (a soul attached to a nonliving being).
The energy each type makes, while incredibly similar, is different. Anchored souls use their host soul as a template for what kind of energy to produce, resulting in slightly different powers from user to user. Even if they use the same spells.
Without a host soul to base themselves on, unanchored souls can only generate the basic types of soul magic, giving them a distinctive blue color.
While the souls within Sento are related, their attachment point is the sword itself, hence why Kenshi's energy is blue.
As for why the mystery woman's energy is blue, my guess would be she possessed an object before she possessed Jade. With time, her energy will turn green from using Jade as a host.
I don’t like that nrs gave Johnny powers, but I feel like they should’ve embraced it and gave him more than just some barely explained green energy.
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When he met Suchin Kenshi had accepted he’d die for the yakuza eventually and was waiting for it to happen
Suchin never tried to fix that (at least not on purpose) but she did give him the wake up call he needed and let him figure out what he really wanted from life on his own
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charlotte-family-apologist · 3 months ago
Kenshi and Suchin in an alleyway is like a fork found in the kitchen if that makes sense
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charlotte-family-apologist · 4 months ago
Kenshi: You didn’t have to do that.
Suchin, wiping blood off her sword: Okay? It’s too late to take it back. What do you want me to do?
Kenshi: Nothing, I like you.
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This is based off my au but I like to imagine Bi-Han regaining his humanity, taking orders from no one, but still looks like Noob, so everyone’s convinced he’s still like Noob. And he just uses this to troll people. Like:
Frost on her first mission to Outworld, standing in the middle of a crowed street and turns around to see Noob staring at her and she just- pauses.
Then he takes a step forward, causing her to take a step back. They do this a couple times and then he starts sprinting at her. Cue the most terrifying chase of her life because Noob’s know to have extreme prejudice against the Lin Kuei and has tried to murder his own brother several times.
Just before he grabs her, he just teleports away, leaving her shaken and anxious as all hell.
Bi-Han, returning to his temporary hide out with a shit eating grin: Did you see that?
Sareena: What? You nearly giving that poor girl a heart attack?
Havik, perking up: Did you have fun?
Bi-Han, side stepping her to look at him: Absolutely.
Sareena: Well, I’m glad you’re happy, but if you ignore me again I’ll cut off what’s left of your nose.
Frost, grabbing Kuai Liang by his shoulders: I hate your brother.
Kuai Liang: ???
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charlotte-family-apologist · 3 months ago
I’ve gotten a better grasp of who Suchin’s character is in my au and some of my old headcanons probably don’t line up anymore
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charlotte-family-apologist · 6 months ago
On the other hand- Late Nights & Heartbreak by Hannah Williams & The Affirmations is very Suchin to me.
Idk how to explain it but Let It Whip by Dazz Band is such a Kenshi song to me. Like he just gives off groovy music vibes.
Maybe it’s because I headcanon his music taste isn’t what other characters expect.
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charlotte-family-apologist · 6 months ago
I feel like I should add these:
1995: Takeda Takahashi is born. 2003: Suchin (46) is murdered; Takeda (8) is brought to the Shirai Ryu by Kenshi (44)
Suchin's Backstory In My AU
Warning: Non-Graphic Addiction and Suicide
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Suchin was the only child of a civilian mother and a former criminal father. When she was eight, her mother died in a car accident, causing her father to fall into a depression and relapse into his gambling addiction, taking out several loans from his old employer in the Red Dragon to support it. He lost his job within the year and started drinking, leaving Suchin to take care of him more often than not. He also fell back into old paranoid habits and took to training Suchin in case they went after her first.
Struggling with money, Suchin got a job at a local restaurant at fourteen, where she flourished socially. She even got a boyfriend at seventeen. Due to her always being away from home, she failed to notice her father spiraling further until he raided her savings when she was eighteen. She started to take more hours to build them back up, neglecting her relationships to do so. Because of this, her boyfriend broke up with her.
At nineteen, she came home to find her dad committed suicide. Upon reading the note, she learned all the debts had come to a head, and the Red Dragon was pursuing payment. The trauma of it finally breaking the barrier in her mind to fully activate her “radar” (see notes for explanation) that had been on and off her entire childhood.
Inheriting her father’s debt, Suchin fled and became a traveling vigilante known as Blackbird on a personal mission to destroy the Red Dragon and return to civilian life. She quickly became a notorious figure in Asia’s underworld for her efficiency and only took paid jobs to support her survival.
She swore off personal relationships and dedicated her life to completing her goal, investigating any lead on the Red Dragon she found. One of these investigations led her to Japan, where she met Kenshi for the first time.
And nearly killed him.
Suchin’s radar is a danger sense ability she feels, not sees or hears. Despite it being a form of precognition, she can’t tell what is and isn’t a danger and has to identify them herself. She can’t turn it off and it works best when she’s calm and collected. The only time it doesn’t work is when she’s panicking, as it becomes hard to read and quickly overloads her senses and rational thoughts. It can also blank out when she doesn’t know how to process something, often freezing her in place. Because of it, she lives in a constant state of flight or fight and suffers from severe anxiety and paranoia, which is only made worse by her lifestyle.
Suchin’s father wasn’t physically abusive, only laying hands on her during training, even helping her patch any injuries before his addictions fully tanked his psyche. The majority of the trauma Suchin has from her father is from neglect, parentification, and the fallout of his suicide.
The timeline of these events are: 1957: Suchin is born 1965: Suchin’s mother dies in a car accident and her father relapses, taking out loans from the Red Dragon 1976: Suchin’s Father commits suicide, transferring his debt to Suchin (19); Suchin flees from the Red Dragon and eventually becomes Blackbird 1987: Kenshi (28) and Suchin (30) meet
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